The Loyal Few have been making music for half of their lifetimes. Half of everything they have ever known has been pouring their blood, sweat and tears into callused fingers, bruised bodies, sleeping on floors, touring the country and endless rehearsals. There�s none more suited to their name. Henry Rollins said that �One defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone.� In a brave move, where many less bold may have faltered and fallen by the wayside; Greg, Tim, Matt and Stu took their 8 years of graft and put it on the line. Leaving behind them the fitful bursts of punk, drenched in youth and the sound they�d outgrown as Kneehigh, they put their minds to something more distinguished, more emphatic and more their own. Their own niche, their own sound, their own style. Themselves. The Loyal Few grew up, and with half a lifetimes hard work behind them have a strong foundation to continue to reinvent themselves and their music for half a lifetime yet to come.
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Third Light,
Ono Palindromes,
Kids Of Horses,
Lion OBrien,
The Ragamuffins,
The Gothenburg Address,
The Author,
white collar weapons,
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goto - http://www.bbc.co.uk/norfolk/content/articles/2008/09/04/introducing_volume_magazine_feature.shtml
Download the e-zine for feb :) it has a little article of us living in our house!
also we are presenting bbc introducing norfolk on the 13th feb!